I’m going to write about a classmate blog, which is not my English classmate only but also in design workshop class. Her name is Viviana and she called her Blog Veevz which I think it’s a funny way of say her name.
She skips class a lot so she hadn’t write so much posts… no just kidding, she was really sick a few weeks so she couldn’t come to classes but anyway she made her posts, till this moment she has 10 post, maybe in a few moments it will be 11becaus of today’s assignment.
The blog is really simple and easy reading, because she uses contrasting colors of back screen and font, black and white… some classmate has green annoying typeface on black font…totally hard to read.
Her funniest post was about her heavy but beloved laptop, it was funny because it’s really heavy I mean… TOO heavy… even for a laptop and I remembered the pain in her face when she is with her computer bag, I feel pity for his health…really. Her post are all easy reading, with a positive look of things and always with a pinch of humor, like she sees the good part of things, an important matter that not all people has (like me for example).
The grammar in the post is so good that I feel a bit of envy, but don’t get me wrong, I’m jealous because she writes her posts very fast and she can go home earlier. I, on the contrary am too slow in writing and checking grammar and syntax.
Her blog is good she only hast to put a bit more images on it, because I don’t see words just letters, but images introduce me of what is the post about and make it interesting.
If you ask me why this picture is because she is pink and nice just like Kirby, so sweet and happy, totally adorable.